
You wouldn't want to inviteOnePlus and Cyanogen to the same party. After the latter worked out an exclusive deal with Indian smartphone manufacturer Micromax, an Indian court temporarily banned the Cyanogen poweredOnePlus Onefrom the country. Thatban was reverseduntil January 7th, asthe court ruled that Micromax's low priced Yu line is not a direct competitor to the flagship-style OnePlus One. A final decision is expected once the court resumes hearing the case next week.Recently, OnePlus hinted that it was working on its own build of Android that is close to being stock. An alpha version of the Android 5.0 build is available for OnePlus One users now to flash on their phone. The process calls for TWRP custom recovery to be installed on the handset, along with a ZIP file containing GApps. The latter includes Google's apps and software like the Play Store and Gmail. You can find everything you need, including instructions, at the sourcelink. You should back up all of your data prior to starting this process. And there is the chance that you might brick your phone, so tread carefully.As for OnePlus' future plans, no one knowswhether this Android build will eventually be sent OTA to just Indian OnePlus One models to fulfill the expected ruling from the Indian court, or if it will be deployed globally as well. OnePlus says that its custom Android ROM will be bloat-free "with stock-Android-like simplicity by default.""This is the first step in what will become our own custom ROM. It’s so early, in fact, that this build contains no extras beyond the stock features of AOSP Lollipop. It’s the base that we will continue to build upon, improve, and customize as we stabilize core functionalities on the latest firmware updates."-OnePlus


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