
1. Avoid Masturbation!
Most men masturbate and it has become a habit for some of them. This is actually one of the root cause of your quick ejaculation problem.
I’ve seen messages from men who are around 35 – 39years of age, but just last 1 – 5 mins in bed all because they have condition their body to last for 5mins due to too much masturbation my advice is that you AVOID IT!
2. Have an healthy diet and exercise
Most men that can’t go more than one round in bed, and have poor erection or little libido have something in common – they have a POOR diet and do not really exercise”
What you can do now is to improve your health condition.
a. Eat more fruits and vegetables like:
watermelon – grapes
– pears
– avocados
– banana
– green vegetables including carrots, vegetables






Include these fruits and veggies in your diet for the next 2 weeks
b. Avoid eating too much red meat and reduce intake of alcohol
c. Drink 1 cup of water when you wake up in the morning
d. Do 15 minutes exercises often in the morning when you wake up; it could be walking, jogging etc.
3. Take supplements that help boost your sexual activities
The truth is most of our food don’t have the right combination to help us last longer, so what you should do aside eating fruits and stopping masturbation is to take natural supplements that help you increase blood flow to the penis and boost your stamina.
I have one that has helped a lot of Nigerian men get their confidence and stamina back on track.
It is working effect with no side effects whatsoever.
With the solution:
1) Premature ejaculation (lasting 1 Min in bed) will be things of the Past.
2) Weak erection will out of your Way for ever.
3) Low libido will die a natural death.
4) Infertility will be story for the gods.
5) And you will finally rock big solid erection with big penis.
Boosts your libido and also gives you harder erection and increase your stamina as such making you satisfy your wife well on bed. Best of all it has no side effects.


This process will allow you to conveniently have a backup of all your sim contacts. This helps if phone gets stolen or crashes down or even if it suffers from memory loss. As all the contacts are synced with your Gmail account, you can retrieve on any of the smart phones as a replacement device not necessarily to be Android.

1.Open your Contacts from your Android phone.
*.Press the Menu button and then select the More option from the list of menu items.
*.Select the Import/Export option to proceed.

2.Now, after clicking on Import/Export, you can Select your choice of Export to either SIM card or to SD card.

3.Sync contacts with Google Gmail. First, log into your Gmail account on your computer.
*.Once logged in, select the contact icon which is located on the left hand of the screen. You will be directed to contact management area.
*.Click on the “+” signed icon. After clicking on “+”, you will be asked to create a new contact.
*.Input all of your contact information.
*.Once done with all the entries, click on the save link.
*.Repeat this process until all of the contacts get saved.
4.Log into your Gmail account on your Android device where contacts are stored.
*.Go to the main menu on the device and select the contacts icon.
*.Drop down the check box to bring the list of options. Select the account from the available list.
*.Once you select the account, turn on the sync contacts option.
5.Now you have successfully synced the account with your Android device and all contacts will be transferred from the device.


Causes of malariaMalaria

 is caused by the bites from the femaleAnophelesmosquito, which then infects the body with the parasitePlasmodium. This is the only mosquito that can cause malaria.The successful development of the parasite within the mosquito depends on several factors, the most important being humidity and ambient temperatures.When an infected mosquito bites a human host, the parasite enters the bloodstream and lays dormantwithin the liver. For the next 5-16 days, the host will show no symptoms but the malaria parasite will begin multiplying asexually.7The new malaria parasites are then released back into the bloodstream when they infect red blood cells and again begin to multiply. Some malaria parasites, however, remain in the liver and are not released until later, resulting in recurrence.An unaffected mosquito becomes infected once it feeds on an infected individual, thus beginningthe cycle again.The video below from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute visualizes how a single bite from an infected mosquito can quickly turn into the life-threatening disease.Symptoms of malariaAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), malaria symptoms can be classified in two categories: uncomplicated and severe malaria.Uncomplicated malaria is diagnosed when symptoms are present, but there are no clinical or laboratory signs to indicate a severe infection or the dysfunction of vital organs. Individuals suffering from this form, can eventually develop severe malaria if the disease is left untreated, or if they have poor or no immunity to the disease.Symptoms of uncomplicated malaria typically last 6-10 hours and occur in cycles that occur every second day, although some strains of the parasite can cause alonger cycle or mixed symptoms. Symptoms are often flu-like and may be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in areas where malaria is less common. In areas where malaria is common, many patients recognize the symptoms as malaria and treat themselves without proper medical care.Uncomplicated malaria typically has the following progression of symptoms through cold, hot and sweating stages:*.Sensation of cold, shivering*.Fever, headaches, and vomiting(seizures sometimes occur in young children)*.Sweats followed by a return to normal temperature, with tiredness.Severe malaria is defined by clinical or laboratory evidence of vital organ dysfunction. This form has the capacity to be fatal if left untreated.As a general overview, symptoms of severe malaria include:*.Fever and chills*.Impaired consciousness*.Prostration (adopting a prone or prayer position)*.Multiple convulsions*.Deep breathing and respiratory distress*.Abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia*.Clinical jaundice and evidence of vital organ dysfunction.
Treatments for malariaIf left untreated, malaria can be fatal. The aim of treatment is to eliminate thePlasmodiumparasite from the patient's bloodstream. Even those who are asymptomatic may be treated for infection so as to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the general populace.Anti-malaria drugs are moreaccessible than ever before,but further challenges lie ahead until the disease is eradicated.Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is recommended bythe WHO to treat uncomplicated malaria. Artemisinin is derived from the plantArtemisia annua, better known as sweet wormwood, and is known for its ability to reduce quickly the number ofPlasmodiumparasites in the bloodstream.ACT is artemisinin combined with a partner drug. The role of artemisinin is to reduce the number of parasites within the first three days while the partner drugs eliminate the rest.Expanding the access to ACTs hasbeen integral to the global fight against the disease. In 2013, 392 million ACT treatment courses were obtained by endemic countries, a substantial rise from 11 million in 2005.However, there is growing concern about the increase of cases of malaria resistant to the effects of ACTs. As of February 2015, artemisinin resistance has been confirmed in five countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. For these cases, individuals were still successfully treated, but the ACT must contain an effective partner drug.


What is typhoid fever?Typhoid feveris an acute illness associated with fever caused by the Salmonellatyphibacteria. It can also becaused bySalmonellaparatyphi, a related bacterium that usually causes a less severe illness.
The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other people in the area.The incidence of typhoid fever in the United States has markedly decreased since the early 1900s, when tens of thousands of cases were reported in the U.S. Today, less than 400 cases are reported annually in the United States, mostly in people who have recently traveled to Mexico and South America. This improvement is the result of better environmental sanitation. India, Pakistan, and Egypt are also known as high-risk areas for developing this disease. Worldwide, typhoid fever affects more than 21 million people annually, with about 200,000 people dying from the disease.

How Do People Get Typhoid Fever?
Typhoid fever is contracted by drinking or eating the bacteria in contaminated food or water. People with acute illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through stool, which contains a high concentration of the bacteria. Contamination of the water supply can, in turn, taint the food supply. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water or dried sewage.About 3%-5% of people become carriers of the bacteria after the acute illness. Others suffer a very mild illness that goes unrecognized. These people may become long-term carriers of the bacteria -- even though they have no symptoms -- and be the source of new outbreaks of typhoid fever for many years.

How Is Typhoid Fever Diagnosed?
After the ingestion of contaminated food or water, theSalmonellabacteria invade the small intestine and enter the bloodstream temporarily. The bacteria are carried by whiteblood cellsin theliver,spleen, and bone marrow, where they multiply and reenter the bloodstream. People develop symptoms, including fever, at this point.Bacteria invade thegallbladder, biliary system, and the lymphatic tissue of the bowel. Here, they multiply in high numbers. The bacteria pass into theintestinal tractand can be identified in stool samples. If a test result isn't clear,bloodsamples will be taken to make a diagnosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever?The incubation period is usually 1-2 weeks, and the duration of the illness is about 3-4 weeks. Symptoms include:*.Poor appetite*.Headaches*.Generalized aches and pains*.Fever as high as 104 degrees Farenheit*.Lethargy*.DiarrheaChest congestion develops in many people, andabdominal painand discomfort are common. The fever becomes constant. Improvement occurs in the third and fourth week in those without complications. About 10% of people have recurrent symptoms after feeling better for one to two weeks. Relapses are actually more common in individuals treated with antibiotics.

How Is Typhoid Fever Treated?

Typhoid fever is treated withantibioticswhich kill theSalmonellabacteria. Prior to the use of antibiotics, the fatality rate was 20%. Death occurred from overwhelming infection,pneumonia, intestinal bleeding, or intestinal perforation. With antibiotics and supportive care, mortality has been reduced to 1%-2%. With appropriate antibiotic therapy, there is usually improvement within one to two days and recovery within seven to 10 days.Several antibiotics are effective for the treatment of typhoid fever. Chloramphenicol was the original drug of choice for many years. Because of rare serious side effects, chloramphenicol has been replaced by other effective antibiotics.
The choice of antibiotics is guided by identifying the geographic region where the infection was contracted (certain strains from South America show a significant resistance to some antibiotics.) If relapses occur, patients are retreated with antibiotics.Those who become chronically ill (about 3%-5% of those infected), can betreated with prolonged antibiotics. Often, removal of the gallbladder, the site of chronic infection, will provide a cure.For those traveling to high-risk areas,vaccines are now available.

Typhoid Fever At A Glance*.Typhoid fever is caused bySalmonellae typhibacteria.*.Typhoid fever is contracted by the ingestion of contaminated food or water.
*.Diagnosis of typhoid fever is made when the salmonella bacteria are detected with a stool culture.
*Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics.
*.Typhoid fever symptoms are poor appetite,headaches, generalized aches and pains, fever, and lethargy.
*.Approximately 3%-5% of patients become carriers of the bacteria after the acute illness.


Higher Vitamin D = Lower Cancer Risk

Previous research found that avitamin Dlevel of 50 ng/ml was associated with a 50 percent lower risk of breast cancer.5Breast cancer patients with an average vitamin D level of 30 ng/ml were also twice as likely to survive compared to women with low levels (average 17 ng/ml).6Most recently, researchers at University of California, San DiegoSchool of Medicine report that raising your serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) to 40ng/ml can slash your risk of all invasive cancers by 67 percent
How Does Vitamin D Help Protect Against Cancer?Vitamin D influences virtually every cell in your body, and is absolutely crucial to radically reduce your risk of cancer. Your organs can convert the vitamin D in your bloodstream into calcitriol,which is the hormonal or activated version of vitamin D. Your organs then use it to repair damage, including that from cancer cells. Vitamin D also triggers apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.According to Garland, in nearly all forms of breast cancer, vitamin D affects the structure of your epithelial cells. These cells are held together by a glue-like substance called E-cadherin, which provides structure to the cell. E-cadherin is made up of mostly vitamin D and calcium. If you don't have adequate vitamin D, that structure comes apart and those cells do what they are programmed to do in order to survive — they go forth and multiply.If this cell proliferation gets out of control, you may end up with cancer. If you have breast cancer in progress, the addition of vitamin D can help stop cancer cells in their tracks by replenishing E-cadherin. Once cancer growth is slowed, your immune system can begin to get ahead of the cancer cells, because it doesn't have to deal with such an overabundance of them. It's just disposing of the leftovers.Low Vitamin D Predicts Aggressive Prostate CancerIn related news, researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine recently discovered that men diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer have vitamin D levels below 23 ng/ml. According to this study, vitamin D may actually be used asa biomarker to predict the aggressiveness of prostate cancer.As noted in a University press release:15"The relationship between vitamin D and prostate cancer may explain some disparities seen in prostate cancer, especially among African American men. Prior research...showed African American men who live in low sunlight locations are upto 1½ times more likely to have vitamin D deficiency than Caucasian men.But because vitamin D is a biomarker for bone health and aggressiveness of other diseases, all men should check their levels, [lead investigator Dr. Adam] Murphy said. "All men should be replenishing their vitamin D to normal levels," Murphy said. "It's smart preventive health care."Vitamin D Dramatically Improves Heart FunctionYet another recent study found that vitamin D has "nothing short of amazing" ability to improve heart function in those with chronic heart failure. The five-year long trial included 160 patients undergoing conventionaltreatment for chronic heart failure;half of them were given a vitamin D3 supplement, the other half received a placebo in addition to their standard of care. After one year, the vitamin D group experienced significant improvement in heart function compared to the placebo group. As reported by The Independent:16"Dr Klaus Witte, who led the...research project, toldThe Independentthe improvements seen in patients taking the vitamin were "nothing short of amazing," and called his team's findings a"significant breakthrough"...Researchers made ultrasound scans of participants' hearts and measured the how much blood was being pumped with each heartbeat, to get a figure called ejection fraction. The ejection fraction of a healthy person is usually around 60 to 70 per cent, but it dropped to anaverage of 26 per cent among the patients enrolled in the study.For those who took vitamin D3, the ejection fraction was improved from 26 to 34 per cent, while the rest experienced not change. For some patients, this discovery means regularly taking vitamin D3 could lessen the need for them to be fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), which can correct dangerous heart rhythms."The researchers note that even though they used a vitamin D3 supplement in this study, exposure to sunlight "would likelyproduce the same results," for the simple reason that it's all about achieving a higher vitamin D serum level. Comparing our modern lifestyle to that of ancient humans who spent far more time outdoors, the researchers link our current deficiency epidemic to chronic sun avoidance.Current Advice to Avoid SunExposure Seriously Endangers Your HealthIndeed, dermatologists have severely compromised the public health by fighting an irrational anddangerous war against UV exposure, be it from the sun or UVlight devices. Disease statistics reveal the sun-scare campaign has really been taken too far. At present, the U.S. Surgeon General,17,18the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), and many other cancer organizations recommendcomplete and total sun avoidancein order to prevent skin cancer.The AAD will not even acknowledge different recommendations based on skin type, even though it's widely recognized that darker skinned individuals need far more UV exposure in order to produce vitamin D in their skin. Adding insult to injury, the U.S. Preventative Task Force suggestsvitamin D testing is unnecessary, and both the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the American Medical Association (AMA) recommend vitamin D serum levels and vitamin D intake levels that are farbelow ideal based on the evidence in the medical literature.The IOM recommends taking just 600 IUs of vitamin D a day up to age 70. But as pointed out in a 2014 paper,19the IOM underestimates the need by afactor of 10due to amathematicalerror. This error has never been addressed. Moreover, research20suggests it would require 9,600 IU's of vitamin D per day to get a majority (97.5 percent) of the population to reach 40 ng/ml. Meanwhile, the AMA uses of 20ng/ml as sufficient, but as shown in the featured study, this level significantly increases your risk for cancer; 40 ng/ml is really the cutoff point for sufficiency in order to prevent a wide range of diseases
.Sun Avoidance Equals Smoking in Terms of Mortality Risk Sun avoidance actually increases your risk of death very similar to that of smoking. That was the conclusion of a recent"competing risk" analysis by Swedish researchers, who found that while women with active sun exposure habits had a higher risk of melanoma compared to sun avoiders, they also had a lower risk of mortality from far more deadly diseases than melanoma, including cardiovascular disease.
According to the authors:21"Nonsmokers who avoided sun exposure had a life expectancy similar to smokers in the highest sun exposure group, indicating that avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking. Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was reduced by 0.6–2.1 years." When you look at the overall picture, it's clear to see that we are building the perfect storm for serious negative health outcomes due to vitamin D deficiency


What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the force of the blood on the artery walls is high. This will eventually cause health problems including heart disease. Blood pressure depends on the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the resistance offered by your arteries. When your blood vessels are narrow the blood pressure will be high. 120/80 is considered as the normal blood pressure.
Symptoms Of Hypertension
Most people do not have any symptoms for hypertension even when the blood pressure readings are high. Some people show symptoms such as
•    Mild headaches
•    Dizzy spells
•    Nosebleeds
•    Shortness of breath
•    Vision problems
The Causes Of Hypertension
There are two types of hypertension according to the cause
1.    Primary hypertension : when the actual cause of hypertension is not known
2.    Secondary hypertension: when an underlying condition is the cause of hypertension.

The various condition causing hypertension are
•    Kidney problems
•    Adrenal gland tumors
•    Congenital problems of blood vessels
•    Certain medications like cold remedies, birth control pills, pain relievers etc
•    Use of Illegal drugs like cocaine

Apart from these factors there are other factors which can lead to hypertension
•    Age
•    Obesity
•    Lack of exercise
•    Excessive alcohol consumption
•    Stress
•    Sleep apnea primary
Hypertension can be effectively controlled by home remedies and lifestyle changes.

How To Get Rid Of Hypertension Naturally
The following are the home remedies that you can try to reduce your high blood pressure or hypertension.
1.    Lemon Lemon helps in making the blood vessels soft by removing the rigidity of the vessels. This will in turn help in lowering hypertension. It is rich in Vitamin B and will not just reduce your high blood pressure but will also keep your heart healthy.
•    Make it a point to drink 5 to 6 glasses of fresh lemon water every day.
•    It is ideal for you to add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Drink this on an empty stomach everyday to lower high blood pressure.
•    It would be better for you to drink lemon juice without sugar orsalt. You can mix it with honey.
2.    Watermelon Seeds Cucurbocitrin is a compound that is present in the watermelon seeds that will help in widening the blood capillaries. It helps in reducing the blood pressure levels and is also an effective treatment for arthritis and kidney diseases.
•    Take 2 tablespoons of dried watermelon seeds and crush  them gently.
•    Now add these crushed watermelon seeds in a cup of boiled water.
•    Leave it there for about an hourand slightly stir it so that it mixes well with water.
•    Strain it and drink four tablespoons of this water every hour of the day.
3.    Garlic Garlic is a well known home remedy to reduce cholesterol levels in your body which is the main culprit behind hypertension. Garlic contains hydrogen sulfide which is very essential compound that promotes good blood flow and reduces blood pressure.
•    Eating 5 to six pods of fresh garlic everyday on an empty stomach will help to effectively reduce hypertension.
•    You can also extract garlic juice by crushing about 10 pods of garlic.
•    Add five to six drops of this garlic juice in four teaspoons of water and drink it twice a day toget relief from high blood pressure.
4.    Ginger Juice With Cumin
•    Add 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice to a teaspoon of honey.
•    Now mix a teaspoon of cumin powder to honey and ginger juice mixture.
•    Mix well and consume this twice daily to reduce high blood pressure.
5.    Curry Leaves Curry leaves are said to have a lot of medicinal properties and is found to be effective to treat high blood pressure.
•    Boil 25 to 30 curry leaves in a glass of water.
•    Bring this to room temperature and strain off the leaves.
•    Drink this medicated water early in the morning on an empty stomach to reduce your high blood pressure levels effectively .6.    Reduce Salt intake it is ideal for you to reduce the intake of salt or lower sodium level in your body to reduce hypertension.
•    It would be better for you to switch to low sodium salt to reduce hypertension.
•    It would be even better if you could totally avoid salt in the food that you eat.
•    It is best advised for people with hypertension to stay away from processed foods and frozen foods as it contains high levels of sodium.
7.    Celery Leaves 3-N-butylphthalide is found to be high in celery and this is a phytochemical compound that helps in drastically reducing high blood pressure. It will also help in reducing stress hormones that usually make the blood vessels constrict.
•    Try to take one stalk of celery bunch or ad celery leaves and stalk in  your daily vegetable salad to help in lowering blood pressurelevels.
•    Consume a glass of water also along with the celery stalk.
8.    Onion Juice
•    Try to eat at least one medium sized raw onion every day.
•    Extract juice from raw onions and to a teaspoon of onion juice add a teaspoon of honey and mix well.
•    Drink this mixture twice a day every day to keep your blood pressure in check.
9.    Fenugreek Seeds The paste of fenugreek seeds is said to be very effective in treating blood pressure.
•    Add one or two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water and boil it for about three to four minutes.
•    Strain the fenugreek seeds and make it a smooth paste with the help of a blender.
•    Consume this paste everyday once in the morning on an empty stomach and also once in the evening.
•    You will see a lowering of blood pressure levels in two to three months time.
10.     Banana
•    Make it a habit to eat at least two bananas a day as it is low in sodium and free from cholesterol.
•    You can also include raisins, baked sweet potatoes, spinach, dried apricots and orange juice in your diet to reduce high blood pressure levels.
11.     Regular Physical Activity
•    It is important for you  to exercise about 30  to 45 minutes at least five to six times a week to increase your metabolism and to keep your blood pressure at normal levels.
•    Reduce the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking to maintain your blood pressure levels.
12.     Stress Management
•    You  should learn to manage your stress effectively to reduce high blood pressure.
•    Relaxation, yoga and deep breathing exercises help in reducing stress.
•    You also need to sleep for at least seven hours every day. Are you worried about high blood pressure levels? Is hypertension preventing you from not doing your regular work properly? Let go all your worries and try out a combination of the above home remedies to effectively reduce hypertension in three to four months.

In this article, I will discuss about the factors which affect our height and how we can increase our height naturally. Factors Affecting height well, we all feel that to become tall is not in our hands. But this is partially true. There are many factors like as genetic and non-genetic factors, which play a major role in determining our height.  There is also a hormone in our body by the name of Human Growth Hormone [HGH] which regulates our height. HGH is given out in our body by pituitary gland and is needed for the growth of long bones and cartilages.

Genetic Factors:
The various genes present in the human body affect the height. If both the parents are short, we assume that their children will be short too. But this is not always true. Tall parents can have short children and vice versa. Actually, the height of all members in the family from both sides should be considered. If all of them are short, then it implies that next generations are likely to have short stature. Genetically they will be of short height and you cannot change the genetic factor.

Non Genetic Factors:
Several non-genetic factors also influence our height. Proper diet, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, proper sleep also play a major role in increasing our height in the growing stage. Being short can be associated with inadequate nutrition, lack of physical activity, incorrect posture, etc. Non-genetic factors can be controlled to a certain extent by following an overall healthy lifestyle from childhood.

Presenting below some non-genetic factors which may affect height:
•    Smoking during pregnancy•    Ineffective Prenatal and Post natal care
•    Ill health during childhood and adolescence
•    Low birth weight
•    Mental condition during childhood and adolescence

How to Increase Height Naturally?The good news is that we can increase our height naturally. It is to be noted that about 20% or more of our body height depends upon external factors like our environment, activities and diet. If we follow certain basic rules in our daily lives, we can increase our height in a natural way. Natural ways to increase height are mentioned below:
Proper Sleep: Studies have shown that when we take rest or sleep, our body grows and regenerates tissues. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely very necessary in a growing body. It is believed that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally during the time when we have a sound, deep and slow wave sleep. As a rule, growing children and teenagers must have at least 8 to 11 hours of proper sleep every night so that they can reach their maximum height. It is advisable that you should take a warm bath before going to bed so that you have a sound sleep.

Exercises for Increasing Your Height:
Another factor to increase height naturally is to be physically fit and active as a child. This can be attained by regular exercises and sports activities. When you are physically active, the body requires more healthy nutrients. Regular intake of nutrients boosts your nutrition and consequently, results in proper growth. Swimming, aerobics, football, basketball, tennis, cricket, or stretching exercises are a good way to keep our body growing and physically active. Active involvement of our muscles not only improves our growth prospects but also helps in detoxifying our body through sweating. Some popular exercises to increase your height are as follows:
*.Hanging on the rod
You spend the majority of your day in an upright, vertical position. One of the biggest hurdles in the path of growing tall is gravity, which compresses your spine, joints, squeezes the cartilage and makes you shorter. However, you can get rid of this obstacle through a simple hanging exercise, which has become a quite popular method to increase a person’s height by one to two inches. The reason being it lets the weight of your lower torso stretches your spine. Take a horizontal bar or rod and place it high enough so that you can hang on it by holding and let your body fully extend.  If your body cannot fully extend, then you can bend your knees slightly until you hang freely. Try to hang for at least 20 seconds and repeat.  You should also repeat this exercise a minimum of three times.
*.Dry Land Swim:
This exercise is popularly known as the Alternate Leg Kick and focuses on your lower back. Lay down flat on your stomach. Your body should be fully extended. Put your arms straight out in front of you. Your palms should face the floor.  Raise your left arm higher than your right arm and lift your right leg off the ground as far as you can, with your other leg straight on the ground. Remain in that position for 4-5 seconds. Then raise your other arm and leg and repeat the process.
*.Pelvic Shift :
This is a common exercise and favorite among gym instructors. It is simple and you feel a whole lot of stretching up and down your spine and in your hips while doing this exercise. Lie on your back with your shoulders and arms placed firmly on the ground.  Bend your knees and bring your feet as much as possible near to your buttock.  Next, arch your back so that your pelvis thrusts upward. Remain in this position for about 20 seconds and then gradually increase it to 30 seconds.
Super Foods & Balanced Diet for Increasing height
You can try all kinds of exercises and yoga but nothing is possible unless you take a complete balanced diet which gives you the essential nutrients required by the body for proper growth. Some essential nutrients good for the physical development of your body are as follows:

*.Vitamin D and proteins:
Boost growth hormones and assist in proper growth of teeth and bones.  Consume more lean meat, cheese, legumes, tofu, egg white.
*.Zinc: Zinc consumption is good for children as it prevents their stunted growth. Foods rich in zinc are chocolate, eggs, oysters, asparagus,  peanuts etc.
*.Calcium: Consume more of dairy products and green vegetables. This helps in the development of bones.
*.Minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins: For a balanced diet, don’t forget to include milk, eggs, soybean, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Milk and Dairy products drinking milk in the growing years can help improving the height. Milk contains the essential mineral calcium, which is necessary to improve bone health. Milk as well as dairy products are found to be effective in increasing the bone minerals and bone mass. In pubertal children, drinking cow milk provides the various nutrients for growth and for achieving the good amount of bone mass which will prevent the chances of osteoporosis in later life. The protein present in milk and milk products improves the overall health of the person.
*.Consume 2-3 glasses of milk daily
*.Include more dairy products in foods such as cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese in your diet
*.This remedy is more effective in pubertal children

Drink Lot of water to have a healthy body, one needs to drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day. Drinking water will prevent the formation of toxic substances in the body which may affect the body metabolism. Drinking water will help to improve digestion and cleanse the body. When the body is free of toxins the metabolism will increase and this will help in proper growth of bones.
*. Take 2 glasses of water on stomach in the morning to cleanse the digestive system
*.Drink at least eight glasses of water to get best results apart from drinking water, you should avoid taking caffeinated drinks and alcohol if you are trying to increase the height. Avoiding carbonated drinks and fast food items also help in faster growth of bones. It is also better to eat water based vegetables and fruits like cucumber and watermelon along with drinking 8 glasses of water every day.

Avoid Growth Stunting factors it is extremely dangerous to take drugs and alcohol at a young age. Consuming these products can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition. Also reduce the intake of caffeine. Avoid taking steroids.  They obstruct bone growth in young children, thereby affecting their height. Strong Immune system certain childhood diseases can lead to stunted growth. These can be prevented by immunization at regular intervals and taking plenty of vitamin C. Consume citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon. You can keep your immune system strong by eating whole and fresh foods, legumes, whole grains, foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Also avoid consuming processed and hydrogenated foods. This will help you to maintain a healthy immune system.
If you know any other way you can share it through comment box.

At first, it is important to know the causes of the stinking shoes so that it will become easier for you to combat the issue effectively. Growth of Bacteria: The shoe starts smelling foul when the excess perspiration from the feet gets absorbed by the socks and the lining of the shoes.  So this condition supports the bacteria to grow there. The bacteria feed on the dead skin cells of the feet, which in turn cause bad odor. Improper Shoes and Socks: Usingill-fitted shoes with less ventilation often causes bad odor. Also, the use of synthetic boots and polyester or nylon socks cause shoe odor. Other foot Related Problem: Sometimes the shoes smell foul because of the some diseases in the foot like nail fungus or some wounds in the foot.

How to Keep Your Shoes Odor free
The person who suffer from this embarrassing issue of shoe odor, desperately want some solutions for it as he/she faces this problem every day. Baking soda other than making your baked items fluffier, baking soda can also be used for some other purposes. You will be surprised to know that this kitchen ingredient with its deodorizing properties can be used to remove the foul smell from your shoes.
Option 1:
*.Before wearing your stinking shoes again, place 2 sachets of baking soda inside the shoes so that the baking soda can absorb the bad odor.
*.Keep the sachets in the shoes until your shoes become odorless completely.
*.In place of sachets, you can also wrap some baking soda in a piece of cloth and tie the ends with a rubber band.
*.Now, keep it in the shoes to get rid of the shoe odor.
Option 2:
*.You can also use baking soda in some other way to remove the shoe odor. Dust some baking soda inside the shoes and leave for overnight.
*.Next day morning, before wearing the shoes, tap out the baking soda from the shoes.
Option 3:
*.You can use a coffee filter and baking soda to get rid of shoe odor.
*.Fill your coffee filter with some baking soda and toss the baking soda inside.
*.Now sprinkle the tossed baking soda inside the smelly shoes and leave it overnight.
*.Remove the baking soda from the shoes before wearing them.
*.You will find that the shoes do not smell foul anymore. Note:Be cautious while using baking soda in leather shoes as it makes the leather shoes dry. Alcohol You read it earlier that the bacteria are the main cause of shoe odor and in this case alcohol comes to your rescue. Alcohol not only prevents the growth of bacteria by killing them but also removes the stinking smell from the shoes. For the Shoes:
*.To disinfect the shoes, first dry the shoes.
*.Take some cleaning alcohol and soak your shoes in it for some time.
*.Take the shoes out of the alcohol and leave for some time to get dry properly.
*.It will make your shoes odor free as well as prevent it from stinking again.
For the Feet:
*.Clean your feet with water. *.Dry them and apply some pure alcohol on the feet.
*.Let your feet dry properly, and then wear your shoes. Vinegar and water like alcohol, the use of vinegar also prevents the growth of bacteria in the sneakers that cause bad odor.
*.Take 2 cups of vinegar and add them to 3 gallons of water in a tub.
*.Mix the vinegar in the water properly and then soak your sneakers in it.
*.As soon as the shoes get soaked in the vinegar water completely, take them out and dry them immediately so that there will be no chance for the new bacteria to grow. Essential oils we often think that essential oil can be used only for skin, hair and to cure certain health conditions. Apart from these, essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil, clove oil or tea tree oil with their strong smell can be used to treat shoe odor.
*.Take any of the essential oils that are mentioned above.
*.Now apply the essential oil on the inside of the shoes with the help of a cotton ball.
*.Now place few pieces of paper inside the shoes so that the fragrance of the essential oil stays inside the shoes.*.Leave the shoes for few hours or for overnight to get best results against shoe odor. Baking Soda and Essential oil we now know the usage of both baking soda and the essential oil to get rid of shoe odor. So we can also combine both the ingredients to remove the shoe odor effectively.
*.Take some baking soda and add few drops of essential oil of your choice.
*.Stir the ingredients nicely.
*.Sprinkle the combination inside your shoes (do not rub the powder inside the shoes).
*.Leave the shoes like this for overnight so that the baking soda will absorb the odor and the essential oil will offer a nice smell to the shoes.
*.Next day morning tap the baking soda and essential oil mixture out of the shoes. Shake your shoes well to remove the powder from the shoes properly. Black Tea bags the use of black tea bag can effectively make your shoes odor free as it contains tannins that kill the odor-causing bacteria in the shoes. And at the same time the smell of the tea leaves will absorb the bad odor of the shoes.
*.Take 4 used tea bags and dry them out.
*.Now put the dried tea bags inside the shoes.
*.Leave tea bags inside the shoes overnight to get best results.
*.This tea bag method works great for tennis shoes


– Scientific research shows there are a few simple steps which could go a long way in taking care of our health
– One of the easiest ways a person could safe himself from some health challenges is by making water the first thing that goes into his digestive system in the morning A woman drinking water When a person ensures he drinks sufficient water in an empty stomach first thing in the morning,not only does it clear his stomach,it also goes a long way in reducing the risk of a number of diseases. Firstly, water purifies the colon along the alimentary canal, and it improves the stomach’s chances to absorb nutrients properly. A better digestive system automatically takes care of a lot of other things. It is also one of the secrets behind a glowing skin, as water removes the toxins from the blood. Drinking water also improves the creation of new blood cells as well as muscle cells, and helps you in losing weight. A person who drinks enough water daily, will also have enough strength to do his everyday activities.  Also, someone should make sure he does not eat anything for a while after drinking water in the morning. This water treatment therapy has no side effects, but only helps to boost metabolism greatly. About four glasses of water (one litre) on an average a day would be great. If it feels too much in the beginning, someone can start off slowly and then gradually increase the intake.
1. Frees bowel/constipation When someone wakes up early in the morning after having a previous night heavy supper, his bowel will be heavy. Before he thinks of visiting the toilet, it is advisable he drinks water either before he brushes his teeth or immediately after brushing his teeth, as the water will help create a more aqueous environment inside his body. This will also let his faeces to be less thick, when coming out from his anus.
2. Aids digestion
It is not okay to start eating breakfast without first drinking water after waking up. It is not compulsory a person brushes his teeth before first drinking water. A person could decide to rinse his mouth with a little quantity of water, and then drink water to prepare himself for breakfast. This is because when a person drinks water first thing before eating, the water reduces the effects of organisms in the body which negatively inhibits smooth digestion. Also, water helps to reduce acidity of the stomach.
3. Detoxification/clearing the stomach/prevents dehydration The metabolic processes in the body are many. These processes need a water-like environment to thrive. The enzymes that help drive some of these processes require water to work. Since a person needs a liquid environment, water acts as the best solvent for these processes.
4. Creation of new blood cells the two major blood cells are: red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs). RBCs are also called erythrocytes, while WBCs are known as leucocytes. RBCs are formed in the red bone marrowof the body. RBCs are formed and destroyed frequently. Since, some of these RBCs are formed early in the morning, and they require a watery environment, thus the need to drink water first in the morning.
5. Helps reduce certain diseases (e.g hydrophobic harmful microorganisms)Haemorrhoid (pile) is a disease which is caused by little water in the body or by eating much sugary foods. When a person drinks water first thing in the morning, heis more than 50% guaranteed he will be safe from haemorrhoid. Eating sugary foods is a precursor to many life threatening diseases, like haemorrhoid. However, drinking water regularly helps to reduce the emergence of pile.


To be honest, both men and women cheat. But according to statistics, men are more likely than women to do this and there are some differences between the Se*es when it comes to cheai*ng.In order to understand why men cheat, check out the 5 main reasons!1. Having less Séx.After marriage, most women don’t careabout a pleasing husband. They always claim tiredness. So men with a high libido start looking elsewhere for satisfaction.2. Woman’s nagging.As a rule, single girls are loving and caring. But after marriage, lots of them become to nag men over every little thing. So a husband, who can’t stand it, seeks solace outside, mostly in the loving arms of another single lady.3. Woman neglects of the husband.Most married women tend to neglect men when kids start coming. At the same time, men tend to seek solace outside because they need someone to hang out with, to watch movies with and to share romantic moments with.4. Woman neglects of herself.Most married women lose their $exy chic. No more doing up her hair regularly, no more trim figure, no more keeping up with the fashion scene. The $exy woman from the past looks like man’s aunty. So he starts looking for another pretty ‘object’.5. Variety.This point has no justification. But many men cheat because they want a different variety. This is one of the major reasons why most men cheat.Do you agree with this List? Drop your Comments.

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